you've got mail...
can we connect ?!

  • A lovely 15% discount on your first soapy online order

  • A subscribers only link to the limited, first come first served, sale stock when it drops online

  • Behind the scenes in the soap studio, useful links for healthy happy skin, managing eczema and allergies (we are a nut free zone!), slower, more sustainable, mindful living

  • Non-soapy FUN things on my radar

I'm a full time mama of two girls, maintainer of the home, keeper of the kitchen garden, cutter of the grass (there is a lot of grass!) and solo creative maker behind my online shop - Life is full!

I concentrate socially on my email community and email on the first and third Sundays of each month (give or take a few days at busy life times). Making slower, deeper, calmer, long lasting connections and gently growing my business in a sustainable way. Join me?!

**it is presumed that you are over 16 years old, the age of legal 'digital consent' within Ireland**